Feed API
Job object schema
1<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
2 <xs:element name="job">
3 <xs:complexType>
4 <xs:sequence>
5 <xs:element type="xs:short" name="id"/>
6 <xs:element name="categories">
7 <xs:complexType>
8 <xs:sequence>
9 <xs:element name="category">
10 <xs:complexType>
11 <xs:sequence>
12 <xs:element type="xs:short" name="id"/>
13 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="text"/>
14 </xs:sequence>
15 </xs:complexType>
16 </xs:element>
17 </xs:sequence>
18 </xs:complexType>
19 </xs:element>
20 <xs:element name="company">
21 <xs:complexType>
22 <xs:sequence>
23 <xs:element type="xs:byte" name="id"/>
24 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="slug"/>
25 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="logo"/>
26 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="cover"/>
27 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="industry"/>
28 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="name"/>
29 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="descr"/>
30 <xs:element type="xs:anyURI" name="website"/>
31 </xs:sequence>
32 </xs:complexType>
33 </xs:element>
34 <xs:element name="contact">
35 <xs:complexType>
36 <xs:sequence>
37 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="name"/>
38 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="email"/>
39 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="photo"/>
40 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="phone"/>
41 </xs:sequence>
42 </xs:complexType>
43 </xs:element>
44 <xs:element name="departments">
45 <xs:complexType>
46 <xs:sequence>
47 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="descr"/>
48 <xs:element type="xs:short" name="id"/>
49 </xs:sequence>
50 </xs:complexType>
51 </xs:element>
52 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="title"/>
53 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="slug"/>
54 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="descr"/>
55 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="skills"/>
56 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="function"/>
57 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="experience"/>
58 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="employment_type"/>
59 <xs:element type="xs:date" name="from_date"/>
60 <xs:element type="xs:date" name="to_date"/>
61 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="language"/>
62 <xs:element name="locations">
63 <xs:complexType>
64 <xs:sequence>
65 <xs:element name="location">
66 <xs:complexType>
67 <xs:sequence>
68 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="city_short"/>
69 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="area_1"/>
70 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="postal_code"/>
71 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="area_1_short"/>
72 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="municipality"/>
73 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="country"/>
74 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="url"/>
75 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="place_id"/>
76 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="text"/>
77 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="city"/>
78 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="postal_code_short"/>
79 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="country_short"/>
80 </xs:sequence>
81 </xs:complexType>
82 </xs:element>
83 </xs:sequence>
84 </xs:complexType>
85 </xs:element>
86 <xs:element name="video">
87 <xs:complexType>
88 <xs:sequence>
89 <xs:element name="content">
90 <xs:complexType>
91 <xs:sequence>
92 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="id"/>
93 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="url"/>
94 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="src"/>
95 </xs:sequence>
96 </xs:complexType>
97 </xs:element>
98 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="url"/>
99 </xs:sequence>
100 </xs:complexType>
101 </xs:element>
102 <xs:element name="benefits">
103 <xs:complexType>
104 <xs:sequence>
105 <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
106 <xs:element type="xs:short" name="id"/>
107 <xs:element type="xs:string"name="text"/>
108 </xs:choice>
109 </xs:sequence>
110 </xs:complexType>
111 </xs:element>
112 <xs:element type="xs:short" name="internal_reference"/>
113 <xs:element name="owner">
114 <xs:complexType>
115 <xs:sequence>
116 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="id"/>
117 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="name"/>
118 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="email"/>
119 </xs:sequence>
120 </xs:complexType>
121 </xs:element>
122 <xs:element name="urls">
123 <xs:complexType>
124 <xs:sequence>
125 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="ad"/>
126 <xs:element type="xs:string" name="apply"/>
127 </xs:sequence>
128 </xs:complexType>
129 </xs:element>
130 </xs:sequence>
131 </xs:complexType>
132 </xs:element>
135> XML Example:
138 <id>4069</id>
139 <categories>
140 <category>
141 <id>159</id>
142 <text><![CDATA[Tech]]></text>
143 </category>
144 </categories>
145 <company>
146 <id>6</id>
147 <slug><![CDATA[jobylon]]></slug>
148 <logo><![CDATA[https://media-eu.jobylon.com/companies/company-logo/jobylon/social_squared_rgb.911b9470.png]]></logo>
149 <cover><![CDATA[https://media-eu.jobylon.com/jobs/company-cover/full-stack-pythondjango-developer/cover.940fe1cc.jpg]]></cover>
150 <industry><![CDATA[Startup]]></industry>
151 <name><![CDATA[Jobylon]]></name>
152 <descr><![CDATA[<p>Jobylon develops and offers a modern hiring software (SaaS) to companies who want to create and share <strong>beautiful job ads and manage their applicants with ease.</strong> The recruitment industry has stayed unchanged for too long whilst the need for a simple and efficient tool has increased.</p> <p>Jobylon was founded in 2011 and since then we've launched a number of exciting projects and ventures within the HR tech space. We've always had the same goal - <strong>to use technology and innovation to change and simplify what is today a traditional space.</strong></p> <p>During this time we've also been awarded as one of <strong>Sweden's hottest entrepreneurs</strong> and nominated for the <strong>Red Herring</strong> award - we've done this with a small but dedicated team!</p> <p>Today, we work with nearly <strong>1000 employers</strong> from more than <strong>80 countries worldwide</strong>, including amazing organisations such as 7-Eleven, Schibsted, Scandic Hotels, Vaimo, Bonnier and <a href="https://www.jobylon.com/testimonials/">many more!</a></p>]]></descr>
153 <website><![CDATA[http://emp.jobylon.com/]]></website>
154 </company>
155 <contact>
156 <name><![CDATA[Niklas Emanuelsson]]></name>
157 <email><![CDATA[[email protected]]]></email>
158 <photo><![CDATA[https://media-eu.jobylon.com/main_contact/f299a79d289ca240b00bc57529552caa.0622460b.jpg]]></photo>
159 <phone><![CDATA[+4670 487 25 18]]></phone>
160 </contact>
161 <departments>
162 <descr>IT</descr>
163 <id>1473</id>
164 </departments>
165 <title><![CDATA[Full-stack Python/Django developer]]></title>
166 <slug><![CDATA[full-stack-pythondjango-developer]]></slug>
167 <descr><![CDATA[<p>We're a growing start-up with big ambitions and even though we've come a long way, we have a lot of exciting challenges left to tackle! We are now looking for another <strong>dedicated, eager and passionate</strong> developer to further help us realise our vision. We have <a href="https://emp.jobylon.com/customers">amazing clients</a>, loads of ideas and an exciting roadmap, but mainly we're looking to change a traditional space and create value for our customers. <strong>That's why we need you!</strong></p> <p>On a day to day basis, you'll be involved in all phases of the software life cycle, from specification to design, implementation and deployment.</p> <p>You are keen to contribute with your own ideas and we expect that you'll grow into an important part in our expansion, owning and driving parts of the system.</p>]]></descr>
168 <skills><![CDATA[<p>You are an experienced full-stack developer who have a genuine passion for web development and always looking to learn new technologies.</p> <p><strong>You build things daily with</strong></p> <ul> <li>Python and Django</li> <li>JavaScript/CoffeeScript/ES6</li> </ul> <p><strong>You know your way around</strong></p> <ul> <li>ElasticSearch</li> <li>Memcached and Redis</li> <li>MySQL/PostgreSQL</li> <li>RabbitMQ</li> </ul> <p><strong>Played a bit with</strong></p> <ul> <li>JavaScript MVC (Angular, Flux/React or similar)</li> </ul> <p><strong>And sometimes tamper with</strong></p> <ul> <li>LESS and CSS</li> </ul>]]></skills>
169 <function><![CDATA[Software Development]]></function>
170 <experience><![CDATA[Experienced]]></experience>
171 <employment_type><![CDATA[Full-time]]></employment_type>
172 <from_date>2016-04-21</from_date>
173 <to_date>2019-12-31</to_date>
174 <language><![CDATA[en]]></language>
175 <locations>
176 <location>
177 <city_short><![CDATA[Stockholm]]></city_short>
178 <area_1><![CDATA[Stockholms län]]></area_1>
179 <postal_code><![CDATA[113 31]]></postal_code>
180 <area_1_short><![CDATA[Stockholms län]]></area_1_short>
181 <municipality><![CDATA[Stockholm]]></municipality>
182 <country><![CDATA[Sweden]]></country>
183 <url><![CDATA[https://maps.google.com/?q=H%C3%A4lsingegatan+49,+113+31+Stockholm,+Sweden&ftid=0x465f9d76eae53039:0x1005e3c61fb0a66]]></url>
184 <place_id><![CDATA[ChIJOTDl6nadX0YRZgr7YTxeAAE]]></place_id>
185 <text><![CDATA[Hälsingegatan 49, Stockholm, Sweden]]></text>
186 <city><![CDATA[Stockholm]]></city>
187 <postal_code_short><![CDATA[113 31]]></postal_code_short>
188 <country_short><![CDATA[SE]]></country_short>
189 </location>
190 </locations>
191 <video>
192 <content>
193 <id>
194 <![CDATA[ v34S-hnm1Cg ]]>
195 </id>
196 <url>
197 <![CDATA[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v34S-hnm1Cg ]]>
198 </url>
199 <src>
200 <![CDATA[ youtube ]]>
201 </src>
202 </content>
203 <url>
204 <![CDATA[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v34S-hnm1Cg ]]>
205 </url>
206 </video>
207 <benefits>
208 <id>1</id>
209 <text><![CDATA[ Free Coffee ]]></text>
210 <id>2</id>
211 <text><![CDATA[ 60 days vacation ]]></text>
212 </benefits>
213 <internal_reference>12345</internal_reference>
214 <owner>
215 <id>1</id>
216 <name><![CDATA[ Admin Adminsson ]]></name>
217 <email><![CDATA[ [email protected] ]]></email>
218 </owner>
219 <urls>
220 <ad><![CDATA[https://emp.jobylon.com/jobs/4069-jobylon-full-stack-pythondjango-developer/]]></ad>
221 <apply><![CDATA[https://emp.jobylon.com/applications/jobs/4069/create/]]></apply>
222 </urls>